Hacking projects

2023 Hacking projects

You can also view a list of the projects in the projects GitHub repository.

Project Number Title
1 A “batteries-included” open reference resource for human genomic copy number variants (CNV)
2 Assessing quality and privacy metrics of synthetic health data for benchmarking: the variant callers use case
3 Automating the building of a virtual, distributed pollinator reference collection
4 Benchmarks for Bioinformatics Workflow Bake Offs
5 BioHackrXiv and publications
6 BioModelsML: Building a FAIR and reproducible collection of machine learning models in life science and medicine for easy reuse
7 Bioschemas resource index for chem and plants
8 Building towards a machine-actionable Software Management Plan
9 Cell type-specific and druggable pathway models and maps
10 FAIR Workflow Execution with WfExS and Workflow Run Crate
11 Creating lesson plans to advance (life sciences) data steward & researcher FAIR skills
12 Creating the ELIXIR Data Stewardship/Management (DS/DM) Handbook - a guide for DS/DM to manage their life sciences RDM efforts
13 Discovering Bioinformatics Software in Software Heritage
14 Enabling continuous RDM using Annotated Research Contexts with RO-Crate profiles for ISA
15 Enabling FAIR Digital Objects with RO-Crates, Signposting and Bioschemas
16 Enhancing the image analysis community in Galaxy
17 Extending interoperability of experimental data using modular queries across biomedical resources
18 FAIRification of mass spectral library creation
19 Galaxy ENA Upload as an Interactive Tool
20 Genome annotation and other post-assembly workflows for the tree of life
21 Health data text mining
22 Improved linking from sequence data to specimens and samples repositories
23 Improving Bioschemas creation and community adoption through process improvements and tool development, and advancing compliance to FAIR standards
24 Improving functionality and usability of OpenEBench for data-driven research in Life Sciences through Community-led efforts
25 Increasing the findability, visibility, and impact of Galaxy tools for specialised scientific Communities
26 Literature Biocuration Practices and Guidelines
27 Multi-Repository Data Submission using ISA-JSON
28 Providing a seamless and interoperable environment for executing life science workflows
29 Secure data-out API - enabling encrypted htsget transactions
30 Standards and ontologies for single cell experiments
31 Standards for a multimodal data wastewater surveillance process
32 Synergising ELIXIR Resources for Training in Systems Biology
33 The BioHackathon Cloud
34 Training SPLASH
35 Write once, run everywhere: exploring the use of Rust and WebAssembly to implement the Nanopublication signing protocol